
Everything you need to know about budgeting for a markerless motion capture system.

We often receive questions about the costs of a markerless motion capture system. How much is Theia3D? What other components are needed? Can I use my infrared cameras? In this post we will provide a high-level overview of components associated with a new markerless system and breakdown the systems involved in each step of the workflow. Generally, costs can be broken down into three main areas: software, hardware and support.



Theia offers academic and commercial pricing models for our clients. Any non-profit, public sector or academic institution can take advantage of a lifetime license agreement that does not expire. Performance centers, apparel manufacturers and sports teams are required to pay an annual license fee for Theia3D. This annual license fee includes support, onboarding and software upgrades. If you haven’t already received a quote on Theia, please reach out to us here.

Video Recording Software

While Theia3D is an obvious component, there are several other software components involved in a new markerless system. The most overlooked component is the video-acquisition software. If you are working with an established mocap provider such as Qualisys, Vicon or Motive, these brands will have their own native video acquisition program (QTM, Nexus and Motive, respectively). These programs come at an additional cost. You will need to reach out to each separate vendor to understand these fees. If you are considering using the Sony RXOii system with Theia, the good news is that their video acquisition program is browser-based and free! You can find more details on this program here.

Biomechanical Analysis Software

A common source of confusion around Theia3D is how to analyze the 3D data our software produces. Right now, Theia produces a C3D and FBX file for use in other software programs. Vicon and Qualisys provide additional analysis platforms like ProCalc and Report Center and this is a cost Theia customers should consider. Apart from these solutions, the main step after processing video data in Theia is to export it to Visual3D. Visual3D is a robust biomechanical analysis toolbox with all of the functionality you need to derive kinematic metrics and develop standard offline reports.


Camera System

The major component of any markerless purchase is the camera system. Right now, Theia recommends a minimum of eight video cameras for most applications. Elsewhere on our blog we have detailed the benefits of the major systems that are compatible with Theia (Qualisys, OptiTrack and Sony - Vicon coming soon). Each camera system will require sync functionality, an updated cabling system, appropriate lenses and peripheral components if you are looking to integrate force plates. Our partners will also include the appropriate video acquisition program to go with each camera system. You will also need to consider camera mounting/placement. If you plan to take the system into the field, tripods are your best bet. Otherwise, mounting cameras on rails, walls or truss systems is also an option. But remember that high vantage points aren’t necessarily best for Theia! More info on this can be found here.


The last major consideration for any markerless system is the computer used to record videos and process data with Theia3D. Our system requirements are listed here. Generally, we recommend a consumer-grade gaming desktop which can cost anywhere from $5000 - $7000 USD. Some clients like to run multiple GPUs on the same machine which can add further costs to the overall system, but it’s entirely dependent on your processing requirements.



While optional, most vendors provide an annual or lifetime support agreement for their products. At Theia, you will need an active support agreement to access the latest version of the software. Without an active support agreement, you still have access to Theia3D, just not the latest version of the software.

All in, a markerless system will be a significant line item for any new lab or R&D team. Depending on the number and type of cameras, most organizations will need to request funding from their capital, technology or departmental budgets to purchase a full Theia markerless system. If you have any questions or would like more information on total costs, please reach out to us here.

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