
We miss you and want to connect! Hopefully this becomes a place for cool stories and information regarding biomechanics, machine vision and artificial intelligence.

My career in biomechanics has been quite the ride. These words may seem impossible to an engineering student considering this field, but let me tell you, spend a weekend with the C-Motion, Qualisys, Vicon, or equivalent crew, and I promise there will be no doubt.

As the pandemic has halted travel, our connection to the community and all the interesting characters has more or less stopped. Typically, at this time of year, Selbie and I would be gearing up to see our distributors and connect with some great clients. And, if lucky, I would have the pleasure to watch one of his marathon 4 hour presentations. But nowadays, those times seem like a distant memory, and although I seem to be spending more quality time at home, I miss them.

So, how to fill this void? How to connect with people, tell some random stories, and maybe spread a bit of information that others may find useful? Well, as you can see, my current answer is to blog! Generally, the topics will cover something biomechanics related, but we may throw in some machine vision or data analysis as well, and of course some information on markerless motion capture. I’ll also use this to show the latest and greatest of what we are working on at Theia before it’s released, so stay tuned, and please shoot me an email for topics you think would be good to present.

Marcus Brown
President, Theia Markerless

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