Check out the video below for a preview of how Keizo Yamamoto is using the latest release.
Lens Calibration
The lens calibration now supports unequal length of videos, and does not have a minimum camera requirement. This allows users to redo a single lens calibration, either to increase coverage, or because the lens of that camera has been changed. Once finished, we added an option to insert that calibration into another (Merge Intrinsics), so you don’t need to manually copy it over.
Hierarchical Filenames
For us this is a really important addition since users have been doing it on their own, manually. Historically, when batching, all pose files are saved in their corresponding _c3d folder with the name pose_0.c3d. Though the folder makes this location unique, you can’t copy them into one folder (because all the files are named the same), so all the files need to be renamed first. When batching, if you select hierarchical filenames, we use the nested folder structure to add more information to the file name. For example, if the folder structure is as follows: Marcus->Jump->001, this suggests that the subject (Marcus), performed the action (Jump), for several trials. In this situation if we are looking at trial 001, the resulting pose file would be saved out as Marcus_Jump_001_pose_0.c3d if hierarchy level 3 is selected. If you don’t want all that information, you can select a different hierarchy, such as 2, which would result in a file name called Jump_001_pose_0.c3d. With this information in the c3d filename, the wildcard load in Visual3D and Tag assignment will be much more smooth, and importantly, will not require file renaming.
Model Enhancements
Overall, the model is performing similarly to Theia 2023. However, this model shows a 6% improvement, most notably in high velocity throws and challenging visibility environments. There are also some modest improvements in hip and hand tracking, and we are seeing less skeleton dropout during contorted movements.
In general, this patch represents an incremental improvement over the previous release, and we strongly recommend that you download it and try it out! A lot of this feedback came from users, so please let us know if we can add other functionality to make your lives easy, and your use of Theia 2023 better. If this type of thinking resonates with you, send us an email and we would be happy to hear your feedback and provide more information.
Special thanks to long time user and close friend Keizo Yamamoto for the data and generally awesome collections!
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