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Coordinate system is in different positions and/or orientations in all camera views.



If the global coordinate system is in different positions and/or orientations in each of the camera views, this indicates that an incorrect calibration file was loaded. If the loaded calibration file has camera IDs that match those for the loaded videos but the calibration corresponds to a different camera setup, the calibration file can still be loaded successfully. However, this will lead to the camera system being incorrectly calibrated and the global coordinate system will not appear in the location or orientation that is expected for the loaded video data. If this issue goes unnoticed and the trial is then processed, it will lead to the Track People Incomplete error dialog.

Possible Solutions

Confirm the correct calibration was loaded. Double check that you loaded the correct calibration file for the camera setup used to record the loaded video data. This calibration file should have been saved after processing the calibration trial recorded during the same collection session as the loaded movement data.