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Qualisys calibration has inconsistent FOV



This error message may arise when loading a calibration file exported from Qualisys Track Manager after performing a wand calibration. It indicates that the selected calibration file has inconsistent field of view parameters for the cameras contained within the calibration file. The field of view parameters are important for determining the area of the camera sensor used in the recording of the calibration trial.

The FOV parameters may be inconsistent if the videos for the currently loaded trial were recorded at a camera resolution that differs from that used during the wand calibration. The resolution of the videos must be consistent between the calibration trial and the recorded movement trials.

Possible Solutions

Perform a new wand calibration using the same camera resolutions as used for your movement trials. If the cameras have not moved since the movement trials were recorded, it may be possible to record and export a new wand calibration file using the same video resolutions as used for the movement trials. This would allow the videos to be calibrated properly.