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Adjust Calibration

The adjust calibration tool is used to modify the position and orientation of the global coordinate system after calibration has been completed or a calibration file has been loaded.

The Adjust Calibration tool can be used to modify the position and orientation of the global coordinate system (GCS) after completing a chessboard or object calibration, or after loading an existing calibration file. The GCS projection on each 2D camera view and within the 3D View is updated live as the Position and Angle sliders are used to modify these parameters of the GCS localization.

This tool can be used to reposition the GCS to a more desirable position or orientation if the desired origin frame could not be used from the chessboard calibration trial, for any other methodological reason that requires the GCS in a specific position.

Position (X, Y, Z)

X, Y, Z sliders can be used to change the position of the GCS relative to its original position, measured in mm.

Angle (X, Y, Z)

X, Y, Z sliders can be used to change the orientation of the GCS relative to its original orientation, about the respective axis of the GCS, in degrees.


Reset the position and angle sliders to 0.0.


Apply the selected position and angle adjustments to the current camera system calibration.

Apply and Save

Apply the selected position and angle adjustments to the current camera system calibration, and save the result as a new calibration .txt file.