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Save Skeleton Poses

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+S, 1

Save the 3D pose of the tracked people. Select the person (or all people) and the frame range (or select the option to use the analysis frames) to save in the file. Files can be saved in .c3d, .fbx, or .json format. The data included in the files is described in Pose.

For .c3d files there is an option to save a multi-subject file. If this option is selected, two .c3d files will be created - one with the unfiltered pose and one with the filtered pose. Both files will contain all tracked subjects. If the multi-subject option is not selected, separate files will be created for each tracked subject.

The save pose dialog for .c3d files.

For .fbx files there is an option to select the exported cooridinate system. Preset options are available for common software programs or custom coordinate system can be defined. Saving an .fbx file requires the full body model to be used when solving the pose.

The save pose dialog for .fbx files.

For .json files the user can select which tracked individuals and which frames of the trial to include in the output file. The .json output files are easily readible in a text editor or used as input for a custom analysis script.

The save pose dialog for .json files.

With the desired options selected, press the Save button, browse to the save location and enter the filename. The person ID and filtered tag are appended to the filename as needed.