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Note that administrator privileges are required for installation and licensing.

System Requirements


One or more CUDA-capable NVIDIA graphics card(s) with the following:

Note: Pre-built engines are provided for: NVIDIA RTX 3090 and NVIDIA RTX 4090. Engines for all other graphics cards are built automatically the first time Theia3D is run.


Recommended: octa-core i9 processor or better.

Minimum: quad-core i7 processor or equivalent.


Recommended: 32 GB or greater.

Minimum: 24 GB.

Installation Steps

  1. Login to the Theia Software Downloads portal using the login credentials provided to you via email.
    1. Download the Theia3D application installer.
    2. If available, download the Graphics Card Engines for your GPU. Note: If none are available for your GPU, they will be built automatically the first time Theia3D is run.
    3. Copy your license key for safekeeping offline.
  2. Check that your NVIDIA graphics card drivers are up-to-date. If not, download and install the latest drivers from NVIDIA.
  3. Run the Theia3D application installer and follow the instructions.
    1. You must scroll to the bottom of the EULA to accept it.
    2. If you downloaded a Graphics Card Engine from the Theia Software Downloads portal, run the executable once the Theia3D application installer has finished.
  4. Launch Theia3D for the first time.
    1. When prompted, enter your license key to activate the software.
    2. If a Graphics Card Engine was not available for your GPU from the Theia Software Downloads portal, they will be built automatically at this stage. This can take several (~30) minutes, but is only required the first time Theia3D is opened.

Theia Softare downloads portal, with Theia3D installer and graphics card engines.