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Save Video Overlay

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+S, 2

Save each of the 2D view video overlays as an .avi file. The videos saved are identical to the overlays shown in Theia3D; therefore you should modify the options that affect the 2D visualizations in the Display Menu and Settings Menu before saving video overlays. Select the desired frame rate and the frame range (or select the option to use the analysis frames) of the videos and press the Save button. Browse to the desired save location and enter the desired filename. One video file will be saved for each overlay and the files are automatically named as filename_cameraID.avi.


  • Individual 2D view overlays can be saved as videos by Ctrl+right-clicking on the 2D view to be saved.
  • The grid of all 2D view overlays can be saved as a single video by Ctrl+Shift+right-clicking in the 2D view area.
The Save Video(s) dialog.