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14. Data Formats
15. Batch Processing
16. Camera System Requirements
17. Sony Camera Package
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The Settings section provides widgets to set up the current batch analysis. The Browse button enables the user to select the root folder. The data to be processed must be organized in this single root folder that can contain as many levels of subdirectories as desired to organize the data. However, each branch of the directory must end with a folder containing the data for a single trial. This must be a folder of video data as described in Video Data that also contains the calibration files for the cameras. It is critical that the IDs of the cameras in the calibration file are the same as the IDs of the video file subfolders. The Settings section enables the user to input the batch analysis root directory and the output format that will be generated by the batch analysis:

Batch Path

Currently selected batch analysis root folder.


Select the batch analysis root folder.


Refresh the batch analysis root folder to update the Trials list with changes to the folder.

Save Workspace

If selected, a workspace is saved for each trial in a folder called inputdirectory_workspace. This folder is in the same location and has the same structure as inputdirectory.


If selected, the pose data for all individuals tracked in each trial will be saved in a folder called inputdirectory_json. This folder is in the same location and has the same structure as intputdirectory.

Save C3D

If selected, the pose .c3d files will be saved for each trial in a folder called inputdirectory_c3d. This folder is in the same location and has the same structure as inputdirectory.

Save Fbx

If selected, the pose .fbx files will be saved for each trial in a folder called inputdirectory_fbx. This folder is in the same location and has the same structure as inputdirectory. The coordinate system convention used in the .fbx file can be selected from the dropdown box.

Use Hierarchical Names

(Only applicable when Save C3d is selected) If selected, the pose .c3d files will be created with file names that combine the folder names from the lowest n levels of the batch analysis folder hierarchy, where n is the selected Level dropdown value. For example, if selected and Level=3 for data that is structured as [subject] / [action] / [trial] / [camID], the output files will be named: [subject]_[action]_[trial]_pose_filt_#.c3d.

Note: The batch analysis may encounter errors if the folder structure, calibration file, or preferences are incorrect. These issues may be identified in the Trials list once the root folder has been selected, however the user is urged to read and understand the requirements for these data structures and files prior to running a batch analysis.