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The preferences file associated with each trial determines the prefences used when that trial is analyzed. This allows you to customize the preferences used across different trials within a single batch analysis, providing greater control over the analysis process. If there are not any preferences .pxt files assigned to the trials within your selected batch analysis root folder, the Preferences column will indicate that the default preferences will be used for your trials.

Right-clicking on the preferences column displays a context menu for the preferences, with the following options:


Opens the Settings dialog to change the preferences for the current trial.


Copies the preferences of the current trial to the clipboard.


Pastes the preferences in the clipboard to the selected trials, or if no trials are selected, to the current trial.

Modifying the Preferences

An example procedure for modifying the preferences assigned to a subset of trials is as follows:

  1. Select one of the trials in the subset whose preferences you wish to modify.
  2. Right-click on the Preferences column for that trial, and select Edit.
  3. Modify the preferences in the Settings window to your desired preferences, and click Save.
  4. Right-click on the Preferences column for the same trial, and select Copy.
  5. Select the remaining trials in the subset whose preferences you wish to modify, using shift+click to select sequential groups of trials or ctrl+click to select individual trials.
  6. Right-click on the Preferences column for one of the currently selected trials, and select Paste.