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TMBatch program

The TMBatch program.

One of the benefits offered by Theia3D markerless motion capture is automated tracking, which allows it to analyze large datasets without human intervention or supervision. This is achieved using the TMBatch companion application to Theia3D, which allows a list of trials to be curated and batch analyzed sequentially. While batch processing is efficient and does not require supervision, we always recommend that you manually examine and check the quality of your markerless data and calibrations using Theia3D, before setting up a batch analysis. This can prevent poor calibrations or other issues with the data from going unnoticed until after the batch analysis has been completed.

There are a variety of tools available within TMBatch to organize and analyze multiple trials. The data to be processed must be in a single directory that can contain as many levels of subdirectories as desired to organize the data. However, each branch of the directory must end with a folder containing the data for a single trial. This must be a folder of video data as described in Video Data that also contains the calibration file for the trial. It is critical that the IDs of the cameras in the calibration file are the same as the IDs of the video file subfolders. When using this tool, the first step is to make sure your video data are organized and the calibration has been added to the files. Once these steps are complete, your data is prepared for batch processing. Proceed to Settings and Trials for details on setting up and executing a batch analysis.